Monday, September 17, 2007

Taking Word templates along

Microsoft Word users can get various types of templates from Office Online. There are some really useful templates around, like the Meeting Minutes that I have downloaded just now. For Office 2007 users, we can also access the list of templates by Office Button > New, then choose a category from the Microsoft Office Online panel.

However there's one problem with this: You can select only 1 template each time! And imagine you work on various machines (company notebook, home desktop etc), its very troublesome to download the same thing again, and not to mention you might left out any.

So the easy solution is to pack the templates, but wait a minute… where are they?

After some searching, I found the templates are all stored in C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates

Just zip the whole folder and take the templates along in your flashdrives. Easy right?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Is it the way to express the Patriotism?

31/08/2007 is the 50th anniversary for Malaysia's independence.

Normally flags are seen everywhere throughout the whole August. And in this country, a lot of patriotic show their nationalism by making up their vehicles with the national flag. Nothing wrong with it actually, as this is the way we show how much we love our country. But I found a few problems with flag flying vehicles:

  1. For some extremist, especially those truck drivers, putting big flags on the side mirrors can really obstruct the other road users
  2. Some people stick the little flags on the car, and when they are driving at 110km/h and above, the flags drop easily. I have seen more than 20 little flags lying on the highway while I was driving back to hometown during the National Day. Those flags are run over by cars and dirty. This is really in no way showing respect to the flag.
  3. Also there are people who put a big flag at the back of car, making it look like a sail. But the problem is, they are not driving on the sea, and so the flags become road sweepers and you can imagine how dirty it is.

We all love Malaysia. So in my 2 cents, its really not the right way to show the nationalism. What say you?