Wednesday, August 22, 2007

9 More Days to the 50th National Day

50 years ago, this land was still ruled by the British. In order to gain the independence, everyone worked together beyond the race and religion boundaries. And with this spirit we had achieved the land's independence.

50 years later, we ought to be happy for the country to reach the golden anniversary. However the environment here seems not letting us to feel the joyfulness. So many crimes happening every day, so many disappointing news every day, so many rubbish being said every day, these many and many have really not helping our country in any manner.

National unity has again being brought up for discussion recently. On the air, some seniors called in and shared the stories of national unity during the early days of independence. Everyone lived peacefully and people really get along well regardless of Malay, Chinese or Indian. There were really tolerance across races and religions, unlike the current state, which a little thing can cause a great stir.

We are all people of this land, a fortunate land full of resources and without any natural disaster. Why can't everyone be really united under the Jalur Gemilang as Malaysian? Let the bygones be bygones, we the next generations of Malaysia, should start to find back what was lost decades ago, and be sure to realize the 2020 dreams for the generations to come.

Believe in The Power of Dream.

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